Poland, S8 Express way Operations & Maintenance

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Discipline: Operations & Maintenance
Sector: Infrastructure (Expressways)
Client: State Treasury of Poland represented by GDDKiA
Start: 01 November 2012
Duration: 6 + 6 years (The O&M contract has been renewed in 2018)
Status: Ongoing

  • Repair of damages to and cracks in the wearing course
  • Garbage removal
  • Replacement or repair of the destroyed express way accessories – road signs, barriers, acoustic screens, etc. and repair of the fencing
  • Wet and dry cleaning of the barriers, road signs, etc.
  • Cleaning of the horizontal traffic signs on the road
  • Clearing of the storm water drain installations – pipes, culverts, ditches, ecological tanks, etc.
  • Grass mowing, Trimming of the trees and bushes
  • Deicing,
  • Snow removal

The S8 Express Way is a part of national road number 8 which runs from north-east to south-west through central Poland, from the Polish-Latvia border in Budzisko (connecting to the Latvian A5 motorway), through Warsaw and Wrocław to the Polish-Czech border in Kudowa (connecting to Czech national road number 33).
Project built in concrete technology consists of 84 km of express way between Piotrków Trybunalski and border of łódzkie/mazowieckie voivodeship, 20 intersections and 48 km of environmental barriers.
Intertoll Construction Sp. z o.o. (100% Intertoll Europe ZRt. affiliate) is in charge of the operation and maintenance of the expressway.

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